Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ayurveda and Modern Medical Technology Development

Specifically Ayurveda uses herbs to correct imbalances that occur in the human body before it becomes a disease. By combining several kinds of plants / herbs, Ayurveda has proven capable of overcoming various health problems that occurred on the human body.

According to Ayurveda, each person has the energy of life (Doshas), consisting of Vata or air, or hot Pitta, and Kapha or water. The disease occurs when the three elements are not balanced. Environment, air pollution, food, drinks, and genetic factors can cause imbalance doshas. Maintaining this balance is the key doshas of Ayurveda treatment.

Ayurveda works as a whole, not only eliminates the symptoms, but also works to prevent disease and eliminate the root of the disease. Ayurveda uses all natural resources to help improve the quality of human health.

Ayurveda has been widely used in modern medical system. This was triggered by a number of research-scientific penelitiah performed and have proved how effective tumbuh-tumbuhan/herbal role in human health.

This time where medical technology is growing rapidly, as with any gene therapy, surgical lasers, high-tech detection devices such as CT-Scan, ultrasound, x-rays, but the treatment also experienced remarkable progress. Not only in developing countries, in developed countries like America and Europe, kebali lifestyle to nature, also is becoming a trend, where herbal remedies are also complementary with chemical treatment.